Concept Driven Infrastructure

J. Jossemar Cordero R.

May 29, 2018


The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this presentation belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.

What’s going on with the title?

FLASH NEWS: You have been bamboozled

Thanks Urban Dictionary

Some alternative titles for this presentation

  • There is a ________ for that
    • tool
    • framework
    • design pattern
  • Computer Science matters!
  • RT*M


Don’t reinvent the wheel

Learn the rules before you break them

Propose valuable solutions


Throw me some real examples!


How old do you think the “distributed architecture by services” is?


  • What is a container?
  • And from the containerd perspective?

Container orchestration and scheduling

  • Do you know any other one outside the hype?

Where can I learn more?

Well… It depends

  1. Books
  2. Source code
  3. Courses
  4. Blogs
  5. Just stand up and ask to real people


Don’t be “that guy”

Avoid being a Copy/Paste Engineer

When in doubt HACK!

Pay your (tech) debts, or else!

My two cents

Ask, learn and Improve

Some food for thought



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