
J. Jossemar Cordero R.

Dec 22, 2021


The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this presentation belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.

Who’s that guy

  • ex-manager, now tech lead
  • 12yrs of career in tech industry
  • Nope… I’m not that young

What’s going on with the title?

Well… I’m riding the hype

Thanks log4j

Some alternative titles

  • Slides as code
  • What matters is to express yourself + KISS
  • How Jossemar stole the xmass tech talk

But first let me tell you a story

The tips

1. Focus on what you need to commuicate

2. Be aware of your audience

3. Keep it Simple “Silly” (KISS)

Throw me some code!

Frameworks and tools

  • reveal.js - An open source HTML presentation framework
  • reveal-md - Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from any Markdown file
  • revealgo - Markdown driven presentation tool written in Go!
  • pandoc - Convert files from one markup format into another

How to get them

# install revealgo
$ brew install yusukebe/tap/revealgo
$ revealgo --version
revealgo version v1.2.1
# install reveal-md
$ npm install -g reveal-md
$ reveal-md --version

Sample slide

# H1 Title

A paragrap


## This is second title (H2)

The vertical slide separator characters are '^___'


### This is a third title (H3)


#### This is a forth title (H4)

<!-- .slide: data-background="#FFA4A6" data-transition="page" -->

Slide metadata comes from comments

Let’s put them together



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Twitter › jossemarGT